Warriors Athletics

Western Michigan Christian School

Boys Varsity Baseball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Hesperia Community HS

6.0 years ago @ 11:46AM
Game Date
Apr 10, 2018
WARRIORSWestern Michigan Christian High School: 9

Game 1 - WMC 9, Hesperia 2


Winning Pitcher - Jamo Goorman - 1 run, 6 K's.  Michael Kamps - 7 K's


Leading hitters (WMC)- Jake Moser - 2 hits, Nick Moser - 2 hits and Cam Beisel - 2hits


Leading hitters (Hesperia) - Balkema - 2 hits, Coronado had a triple



Game 2 - WMC 8, Hesperia 2


Winning Pitcher - Jaxon Deur - 4 K's


Leading Hitters (WMC) - Andrew Hill - 2 hits, Nick Moser - 2 RBI's


Leading Hitters (Hesperia) - Dickinson, Young, Peters each had a hit



COACH VANHEKKEN: Our pitching was pretty good today with Goorman, Deur, Kamps, Brant Zeerip and Nathan VanderWeide all turning solid performances.  Tyler VanBeek made a couple nice plays at shortstop for us as well.    Cam Beisel turned in a solid performance behind the plate handling the pitching staff.

  We have a lot to continue working on, but given the cold playing conditions, it was a good start tonight.  Our players have worked hard all off season at getting stronger and quicker on the field and tonight was a good first couple of games for us.

It was the 100th high school coaching win for VanHekken who coached at Grand Haven briefly before coming to WMC.
